Sunday, July 1, 2012

Where the F@#$ have I been for the last 2 years?

What in the world have I been doing for the last 2 years? Seriously. How for the life of me have I had so many great thoughts, funny ideas, important advice to give and kept it to myself. It sounds impossible right? I guess going back to school kept me pretty busy. And working. I had less kids home so that couldn't be it. I am not sure really what happened to me and my bright, sunny outlook on life. Actually I do know but I am not ready to talk about it yet. I might, down the road, tell stories that seem demented and sick but that I find funny. For now though, I am back to blogging, back to funny stories, back to advice and back to me. I hope. What if after all these years I somehow became unfunny? What if my outdated and inappropriate humor fails me? I guess we are going to find out though. Together.... Here I am, back in the saddle again, sharing my life, for whatever reason people feel the need to share personal stories.... I guess its the same reason I talk to strangers on the train, I just like to share and get to know people.... and this is how I am going to do it. Ta Ta for now, but watch out world, here I come......